In an effort to provide timely notice to the campus community in the event of a Clery Act crime that may pose a serious or ongoing threat to members of the community, GTPD issues “Clery Act Safety Alerts,” also known as Timely Warnings. The Georgia Tech Police Department will issue a timely warning notification when a crime has been committed of a violent or hazardous nature.

Recent Crime Alerts

On-Campus Incidents


Off-Campus Incidents


2024 Crime Alerts can be found here

2023 Crime Alerts can be found here

2022 Crime Alerts can be found here

2021 Crime Alerts can be found here

2020 Crime Alerts can be found here

2019 Crime Alerts can be found here

2018 Crime Alerts can be found here

2017 Crime Alerts can be found here


More information on Clery Act Safety Alerts

GTPD works with Institute Communications to distribute campus-wide emails and post alerts online. The purpose of these Clery Act Safety Alerts is to notify the campus community of the incident and to provide information that may enable the community to protect themselves from similar incidents. In general, the Institute will issue Clery Act Safety Alerts whenever all of the following criteria are met:

  1. a crime is committed,
  2. the perpetrator has not been apprehended, and
  3. there is a substantial risk to the physical safety of other members of the campus community because of the crime.

Such crimes include, but are not limited to:

  1. Clery Act crimes that are reported to any Campus Security Authority or the local police
  2. crimes in which the Institute determines that the incident represents an ongoing threat to the campus community. If a robbery suspect has already been detained, the crime is not considered a threat to the community and no warning is sent. When issuing Clery Act Safety Alerts under the Clery Act, Georgia Tech withholds as confidential the names of victims.

Clery Act Safety Alerts are decided on a case by-case basis in light of all the facts surrounding the crime. In some circumstances, GTPD may issue Clery Act Safety Alerts when there is a pattern of crimes against persons or property. The GTPD Criminal Investigation Division commander or designee will consult with the Chief of Police to determine if an alert is warranted. If so, the Investigations Division commander will draft the Clery Act Safety Alert email for review by Institute Communications before distributing the email campus-wide. Institute Communications may also publish the information on the Institute’s main webpage and/or distribute it to local media outlets. For incidents involving off-campus crimes, GTPD may issue a Clery Act Safety Alert if the crime occurred in a location used and frequented by the campus community.

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should contact GTPD by calling 404.894.2500, 404.894.GTPD, or 911 from a campus phone, or by visiting GTPD at 965 Hemphill Avenue NW.

Crime Alerts are sent by the Georgia Tech Police Department in an effort to deter and prevent crime by informing the Tech community of recent criminal activity in the area. The Georgia Tech Police Department releases email bulletins regarding incidents within our own community and the surrounding area. Crime alerts are automatically sent via email to all Georgia Tech students, faculty, and staff. 

A map illustrating the Clery Act Safety Alert boundaries for the GT main campus can be found below. Notification of crimes that satisfy the above-mentioned criteria and have occurred within this boundary are sent out as safety alerts; in rare circumstances, notification of crimes that fall outside this boundary may be sent out as alerts as well.