The Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD) maintains this Campus Crime Log, which contains information on alleged criminal incidents reported to GTPD. This page is updated in real time with the most recent information displayed first. Please check back if your case is not yet available.
- The log contains the following information with regard to each alleged incident:
- Nature of the crime
- Date the crime was reported to GTPD
- Date and time the crime allegedly occurred
- General Location of the crime
- Disposition of the complaint, If know
- GTPD's Crime Log also includes a column for case numbers, which is not required by law, but which aids in recording and tracking a crime report.
- Note that GTPD may withhold information otherwise required by the Clery Act from the Log if there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of the particular information would do one of the following:
- Jeopardize an ongoing criminal investigation or the safety of an individual
- Cause a suspect to flee or evade detection
- Result in the destruction of evidence
The Log is to be updated with the withheld information if and when GTPD determines that the justification for withholding the information no longer exists.
Crime Logs
- Criminal Log
- Criminal Log of incidents reported to Campus Security Authorities other than GTPD (Victim Advocates, Housing, Athletics, etc.)
- Non-Criminal and Traffic Offenses
- These incidents include traffic offenses and non-criminal reports, including arrests by GTPD for warrants issued by other jurisdictions.
Crime Logs in Text Format
Below are comma-separated value files for the specified year. These files contain both criminal logs and non-criminal logs. The files can be opened with most spreadsheet applications or text editors. Some browsers will require you to right click the link and select save as to download the document.
2010 2011 2012
2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018
2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024
Crime Map
This Link is a community oriented map, displaying crimes that have happened in the area surrounding Georgia Tech, and on campus. This map is not specific to Clery reported crimes.