How can I keep myself and my belongings secure on campus?
Theft is our most common crime on campus, so be sure to lock up your bicycle, don't leave belongings unattended, and be aware of your surrounding. Visit our safety tips page for more specific examples.
Can we text to 911?
No- calling 911 from a cell phone routes to Fulton County's 911 services, so GTPD's phone lines do not currently support 911 texting. However, the LiveSafe app does allow for text-based messages to be sent directly to our Communications Center.
How many police officers are employed by GTPD?
The Georgia Tech Police Department currently employs more than 90 state-sworn police officers. Our officers have the authority to make arrests for crimes committed on campus or up to 500 yards of any Board of Regents property. If you are interested in a career with GTPD, please visit our career page.
Does Georgia Tech have an emergency notification system?
The Georgia Tech Emergency Notification System, or GTENS, will notify students, faculty, and staff via email of any campus emergency. Students, faculty, and staff may opt to receive these notifications via phone and/or text message as well on the Passport website.
Parents cannot sign up for GTENS; we want these messages to go out as fast as possible and extraneous contacts on this list may delay the process. We also do not want our Communications Center to be flooded with calls from concerned parents while trying to dispatch and coordinate with emergency responders. Emergency alerts are frequently sent out concurrently on Twitter at @GTPDalerts and @gatechpd.
What are the rules pertaining to weapons and guns on campus?
Pepper spray and electrical discharge devices such as stun guns, are allowed on campus. As of July 1, 2017, anyone who is properly licensed in the State of Georgia may carry a handgun in a concealed manner on property owned or leased by public colleges and universities, with some exceptions. You may store a gun securely inside of your vehicle on campus, however, please consider the wisdom of this in Atlanta, where vehicles are often broken into. For more detailed information, see our Campus Carry Information page.
Does Georgia Tech offer self-defense classes?
We do offer self-defense classes; please fill out this webform to sign up. This class is typically taken by requests of groups of ten or more, however we adjust accordingly.
Is there any crime in the residence halls?
Unfortunately crime does occur from time to time in residence halls, with theft being the most frequently-reported type of crime. Students are encouraged to prevent people from tailgating in behind them as they enter their residence hall, to always lock their door, and to not leave their belongings unattended in a common area. We also encourage students to contact the police right away if they observe any suspicious activity.
Does GTPD have surveillance cameras on campus?
We have almost 1,700 surveillance cameras across campus, inside and outside buildings and at almost every intersection. In addition we have two mobile camera trailers that allow us to focus more heavily on areas of interest, such as special events.
Does Georgia Tech offer late-night transportation?
Yes, Georgia Tech offers late night transportation (e.g. Stingerette, Midnight Rambler) through Parking & Transportation Services; please visit the PTS website for more information. If you are unable to get a hold of these services, you can call GTPD and have an officer provide a safety escort to your residence hall or other on-campus building.
How do we encourage students to report other students who commit crimes (see something, say something)?
GTPD promotes the “See Something, Say Something” campaign launched by the Department of Homeland Security in July 2010. The campaign encourages individuals to report any suspicious behavior or activity to the police immediately. Anyone that calls and reports suspicious activity can choose to remain completely anonymous.
How do we track on-campus crime reporting?
Please visit our Crime Statistics page for information regarding crime statistics and summaries on campus.
Is MARTA safe?
MARTA is as safe as you make it. Remember to always be aware of your surroundings, travel in groups, and don’t hesitate to call the police if you feel uneasy. MARTA operates its own police department, which actively patrols transit locations and trains. Georgia Tech Parking & Transportation Services operates the Tech Trolley, which can take riders to and from the MARTA station at 10th Street and West Peachtree Street.
How should students deal with panhandlers?
The city of Atlanta has a large homeless population that often relies on panhandling as a means to get money. If you are approached by someone asking for money and do not wish to interact with them, simply say, “No” and continue walking. If they persist, contact the police department.