• Always lock your door, even if you only leave for a minute.
  • Do not allow strangers to tailgate behind you.
  • If someone asks to use your phone for emergency purposes, offer to telephone for them instead of allowing them access to your residence and possessions.
  • Do not put your address anywhere that a stranger can gain easy access, such as a key chain or hang tag.
  • On-campus, call 404-894-2500 to report suspicious activity. Immediately give the dispatcher your location and any pertinent information. If possible, stay on the line until help arrives or the dispatcher terminates the call.
  • Use your ATM card during the day. If you must use the machine at night, go to an indoor or otherwise well-lit machine.
  • Avoid working or studying alone in a building at night.
  • Avoid using stairs in remote sections of a building.
  • Never leave valuables unattended.
  • Never prop doors open (especially fire doors).
  • Advise police of any hazards or security problems.
  • Walk with a friend at night.
  • Park in a well lit areas near other vehicles or in high-traffic areas.
  • Keep valuables in your vehicle out of sight.
  • When leaving your vehicle, roll your windows up and lock your doors.

Online Safety Tips

· Be selective with what you share! Remember, what happens online, stays online! Once content is posted or shared you cannot get it back or control where it goes.

· If you do engage in recorded intimate behavior, take steps to conceal your identity such as shielding your face from camera view and covering tattoos or birthmarks.

· Cover your webcam when you are not using it.

· Set your social media accounts to private and do not confirm random followers or accept random friend requests.

· Block or ignore messages from strangers.

· Be wary of people’s alleged identity. Images and videos can be altered and are not proof of someone’s identity.

· Be suspicious if you meet someone on a game or app and they then ask you to start talking to them on a different platform.

· Do not share any personal contact information with someone you do not know.

· Never pay scammers the money they request! These sextortion suspects are predominantly based outside of the US and your money most often cannot be traced and recovered.

· Individuals of all gender identities can be targeted!

· Be willing to ask for help! If a message seems suspicious, contact GTPD and speak with an officer about your concerns!