UCR Part I Crime Statistics
Every month, the Georgia Tech Police Department updates its year-to-date Part One crime statistics. These statistics compare the number of Part One offenses reported to the Georgia Tech Police Department in the current year through the most recent complete month, to the same period a year ago. These statistics are reported to the FBI. Definitions for the Part One offenses are available here.

*NC: Percentage change from zero not calculable.
** Year-to-date numbers are updated to include monthly revisions in UCR reporting.
Prior Years

*NC: Percentage change from zero not calculable.
** Year-to-date numbers are updated to include monthly revisions in UCR reporting.

*NC: Percentage change from zero not calculable.
** Year-to-date numbers are updated to include monthly revisions in UCR reporting.

*NC: Percentage change from zero not calculable.
** Year-to-date numbers are updated to include monthly revisions in UCR reporting.

*NC: Percentage change from zero not calculable.

*NC: Percent change from zero not calculable.

*NC: Percent change from zero not calculable.

*NC: Percent change from zero not calculable.