The Crime Prevention Unit within the Georgia Tech Police Department engages everyone in the campus community in order to reduce crime and create a safer environment. We offer a range of free classes to help educate students, faculty, and staff about safety and awareness. Topics include:

  • Crime Prevention 101. Get answers to questions such as, What exactly is suspicious behavior? What can I do to avoid having my stuff stolen?  60 minutes.
  • Civilian Response to Active Shooter (CRASE).  Advanced preparation for what to do in the event you find yourself in an active shooter situation. Commonly referred to as "Run, Hide, Fight," 60 minutes.
  • Stop the Bleed. Become trained and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. 60 minutes.
  • Alcohol & Drug Awareness. What happens to your body when you use (or misuse) drugs or alcohol, and what steps to take in a medical emergency. 30 minutes.
  • GT1000. First Year Student Seminar on how to successfully transition to Georgia Tech. Note: register for this through the Office of Undergraduate Education.
  • GT2000. Transfer Student Seminar on how to successfully transition to Georgia Tech. Note: register for this through the Office of Undergraduate Education.
  • Open Discussion Forum. Choose a topic! We’ll be happy to talk with your group about your concerns.
  • Micro-Mobility  and Bike Safety Class.  Learn how to stay safe on the road, what traffic laws apply to you, bicycle maintenance tips, and basic riding skills. Focused on safe operations and parking, unsafe user behaviors, reducing conflicts with other street users, and proper usage of shared spaces such as sidewalks, bike paths, and transit routes. 

Interested in requesting a safety class? Contact us here

Upcoming Stop the Bleed Classes

The Georgia Tech Police Department invites you to attend an in-person Stop The Bleed Training course. This course will teach participants how to recognize life-threatening bleeding and respond quickly and effectively to control it. '


  • Friday, January 24th, 11:30 am- 1:00 pm (Open to all)
  • Friday, March 14th, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm (Faculty & Staff Only)
  • Friday, March 28th, 2:00 pm- 3:30 pm (Students Only)
  • Thursday, May 22nd, 1:30 am- 1:00 pm (Open to all)

Location: All classes will be held at the Georgia Tech Police Department, 965 Hemphill Ave. Atlanta, GA 30332

Who's Invited? GT Faculty, Staff, Students 

Don't forget to register HERE to secure your spot!

Have questions? Contact Outreach@Police.Gatech.Edu

Upcoming Self-Defense Classes

This 60-minute class will help you learn physical and non-physical self-defense skills and risk-avoidance techniques.


  • Thursday, January 30th, 6pm- 7pm, Bill Moore Student Success Center, President Suite A
  • Monday, February 24th, 7:15pm- 8:15pm, CRC- Studio B 

Who's Invited? GT Faculty, Staff, Students 

Don't forget to register HERE to secure your spot!

Have questions? Contact Outreach@Police.Gatech.Edu

Upcoming Civilian Response to Active Shooter Classes

Join Us for a Critical Discussion on Active Shooter Preparedness . Learn advanced preparation techniques and strategies for responding to an active shooter situation. Commonly referred to as "Run, Hide, Fight," this 60-minute session will provide you with the tools and knowledge to protect yourself and others in a crisis.


  • Wednesday, February 12th, 11:30 am - 1 pm
  • Wednesday, March 5th, 11:30 am- 1 pm
  • Wednesday, April 9th, 5:30pm - 6:45 pm

Who's Invited? GT Faculty, Staff, Students 

Don't forget to register HERE to secure your spot!

Have questions? Contact Outreach@Police.Gatech.Edu